I remember when I use to get lost watching Cinderella.
The happy, magical parts were my favourites. Like when she is transformed into the 'bell of the ball' and is given a horse and carriage by her fairy God mother.
I'd imagine that when I grew up I'd have the fairy tale life, a charming prince who'd marry me, live in a really big mansion and have lots of money. My fantasy didn't include bad moments or sad times.
But hang on, didn't Cinderella lose her mother, then her father and was taken in by her evil step mother? She was treated like a servant by her step mother and her 'ugly' step sisters tormented her like crazy.
So why is it that we wear fairytale tinted glasses and totally ignore the struggles we saw in our favourite films by focusing on the magical ending?
Remember, Cinderella had her share of problems too.
So did Snow White, Bambi, Simba, Ariel and a whole cast of other Disney characters. Whether they'd lost a parent, their entire family,their soul or their soul mate, all of them had to endure heart ache, struggles and pain before they got to the best part of their lives and were happy again.
But did you notice how much happier they were when trial and tribulations are over?
"Weeping endures for a night, but joy comes in the morning" Psalm 30:5
It's as if by going through lifes challenging times not only helps us to appreciate what we have and how much we value people but it makes us realise that God has better plans for our lives and that nothing we go through is in vain or lasts forever, even though it may feel like you're trapped and things won't ever change.
God loves us now, tommorow and forever. He never changes.
In the testing situations we face, we need to take time to realise that we can make it through. You have to tell yourself that there will be a day when it'll all be over and you'll think, 'how did I ever make it through without having a nervous breakdown, go into depression or commit suicide?
Thank God each and everyday. He is worthy and He is able.
Just as Hercules was sent to earth to save the world. Jesus did the same.
God sent Him to show the vulnerable, imperfect people that we are, how to live, how to love and how to regain the lost relationship with God that we once had.
He is our Salvation in those times when crying is all we could do. We don't even know who to talk to because we feel that 'no one understands...God is listening.
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