This years American Idol has come a surprise in more ways than one. Firstly, i was shocked at some of the people that weren't chosen for the main part of the competition, these few seemed to have genuinely good voices. Some of the early people they did choose were vocally far from what they were looking for. I think this year the women are out shining the men, although Phil had a very good voice and shouldn't have been voted off. I do think it's unfair that Blake was chosen over Lakeisha because she has a much more powerful voice than he does, but you know like last years contestant Jennifer Hudson, who was voted off because voters were apparently racist. Not saying this was the issue for Lakeisha, it's just that when your future lies in the hands of the public, you don't know who's voting for or against you, they have their reasons why they like you or no don't like you. Well now there's three left, Jordon, Blake and Melinda. Because of past shows it's so obvious to see who will be voted off next and who will win. Jordon is a young, talented girl, who (unfortunately) visually 'fits' the image that singers have nowadays. Similarly Blake is like Justin Timberlake, he's a white guy who has a soulful black sound and can dance hip hop. Then there's the powerful, shake your bones, singing Melinda, who could without a question win American Idol, but in this unfair industry which selects looks over talent, has her age playing against her. Well who knows! If Melinda wins it would definitely be a surprise, although she's an amazing singer. American idol hardly chooses black people as their idol, unless they are mixed with another race. Just like any other reality T.V show. it's very sad and discriminative, because again it's like the media has it's ideas of who fits the look and who doesn't, they want someone who will appeal to everyone, which results in everyone looking the same. It's such a shame. But you know what, Melinda is going to make it in the music business whether she wins American Idol or not, her voice is timeless and you can't deny talent like that.
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