As my mum says, "Today's music has gone to the dogs!"
Well, I don't agree entirely with my ma, but I do think that music has gone down hill, it's not about the quality anymore, just the looks. Take for example, Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey and Luther Vandross, all are powerful R&B singers whose careers have lasted. Their voices tell a melodic story that encapsulates everyone who listens, no one can can doubt their talent.
But nowadays singers seem to come as often as the 197 bus to Peckham, they all seem to look the same and they can't carry a tune! Unlike our (or our parents ) most loved singers, today's artistes do not have any individuality. There's a whole lot of quantity but not a lot of quality.
MTV and all the other music channels are churning these generic artistes out one by one and the shocking thing is people are buying it! But you know what? They all fit into today's fashion conscious, aesthetically pleasing society, where a pretty face sells more than good music. It's disappointing because it means that people who can actually sing but don't 'look the part' won't get a chance.
Take Cassie for example, pretty face but can't sing, Lumidee (for those of you who remember Busta Rhymes featured in her Uh Oh video) can't sing and most recently Mr Sanjaya, can't sing! amongst others.... All have a look, but no voice.
I'm not being mean at all just stating the obvious.
Maybe the meaning of singing has changed.
Lets take a look:
1 make musical sounds with the voice, especially words with a set tune. 2 perform (a song) in this way. 3 (of a bird) make characteristic melodious whistling and twittering sounds.
Maybe now it's:
1. To dress well and have a pretty face 2. To have have basic knowledge in singing, nothing special 3. To have limited talent, if you are already well known, this is a bonus
It's undoubtedly all about advertising. Record labels are basically selling a product, these Eye Candy artistes can earn stashes of cash without actually having a 'good' voice. Appearance comes first and voice comes secondary to that.
I remember browsing through You Tube and finding a video of Cassie singing 'Me and You' live. It was horrendous, I had to laugh. (I'm sorry) Firstly the singing was off key, she had two backing singers to support her voice and the track was playing in the background. I'm not being funny but, the song isn't a Mary J Blige hit where backing singers are there to compliment and harmonise the song, no, in Cassie's case they were there to cover up her lack of vocal talent!
Now Mary J Blige, Faith Evans, Kelly Price are all singers who definitely don't need back up singers. Their voices are and still is amazing. However these 90's female singers were not marketed on their appearance, though they looked well, their voice sold it for them, it wasn't about looks at all.
Long live the raw classic talent.
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